Tuesday, 31 August 2010

So long, farewell, au revoir, auf wiedersehen, goodbye

Dear Joe Blogg,
Time has come for you and I to part company. I have shed my numbers and my fiercely-looking weapons and I have become one like you.
Well, not really quite like you. I hope not, anyway.
I will try not to interfere with you anymore. But I confess, I will try and observe you, quietly, as you will carry on doing what you do best.
I will try and steer off your path. I don't want to give you reasons and opportunity to rob me, mug me, hit me.
We will not stay friends. We live on different planets culturally speaking.
Please do not try to sell me pot. Do not embarrass me. I may pretend I am blind, but I am not stupid.
Please do not try to chat me up. Let's face it - I am well out of your league.
Please make the effort and clean your house every now and then. And crack a book open once in a while. Go and get a job - you might strike lucky one day and live better off your wages than off the benefits. And no, you are not too ill to work. You are just plain lazy, so please come up with a different excuse.
I leave you now... in peace - for how long can you keep this peace, that is?? But that is no longer my problem.
So here.... I am singing to you: So long, farewell, au revoir, auf wiedersehen, goodbye

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