Wednesday 18 June 2008

I am only a tiny fish

Big fish eat small fish - says the proverb.

I am only a tiny fish - and the world out there is full of hungry predators.
I personally exist at the bottom of the food-chain.
The bigger fish come in different shapes and sizes - you have huge fish, not-so-huge fish, medium-sized fish and small-medium fish.
Their size - most of the time - gives you an idea of how hungry the fish are.

The bigger fish are not that keen on feeding on the little'uns (like me and you) - for what is the point, what is the 'victory' in eating something that small and insignificant?
The medium and small-medium fish I am worried about. They just itch to become big fish; to become big fish they need to eat (me and you). And they eat, eat, eat - sometimes they even eat fish their own size; yes, they eat their competition.
There is one issue though: you end up with lots and lots of big fish and not so many small fish ('cause me and you have already been eaten, remember?). So the food-chain is getting significantly smaller.
I wonder what happens when there's only one link left in that chain?


Digital Elf said...

if no bigger fish will come up to eat the "last" link, the last link will eat itself to death.

yeah right..

Anonymous said...

Great work.